
Services > MMS Content List

MMS Content List

  • Your Name in Wallpaper
  • Your Name in Picture Duaa
  • Games
  • Your Name in Sound Duaa
  • Exclusive Anasheed
  • Ahla Alklam
  • Stories
  • Your Name in Zafa
  • MMS Encyclopedia

Your Name in Wallpaper :

“Wallpaper” is a value added service for mobile users. This service provides users with Wallpaper with user’s name. This service  is a MMS based service, where the customer sends a SMS with his/her name and receives a MMS message.

Your name in Picture Duaa:

“Ismak Fi Douaa” is a value added service for mobile users especially users in Islamic and Arab countries. This service provides users with Islamic content (Islamic Douaa) customized with their names. This service can
be implemented by SMS or MMS and the content is received by the user as text message your name in duaa wallpaper.


Is a service offered to subscribers can use to get the most interesting games, video clip funny and other content.

Exclusive Anasheed:

This service will enable the customers to receive Anasheed when they send SMS to specific short code and another message will be sent to the customer containing list of Anasheed .


This service will enable the customers to receive  MMS  massage contain  (old sayings, Karktir, Wisdoms in picture .. )etc when they send SMS to specific short code.


This service will enable the customers to receive stories when they send SMS to specific short code, customer will receive daily story throughout the month.

Your Name in Zafa:

This service will enable the customers to receive MMS massage contain Zafa by the name when they send it in SMS to specific short code.

MMS Encyclopedia:

This service will enable the customers to receive  MMS  massage when they send SMS contain package number to specific short code, then customer will receive information MMS throughout the month.














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